Church in Dialogue

Ecumenical Relations

Responding to the Second Vatican Council’s decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio, that the Catholic Church contribute to the restoration of Christian unity, the Catholic Bishops of Canada maintain and further their relations with the leadership of other Christian churches and associated ecclesial communities/organizations primarily through the work of the Commission for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews, and Interfaith Dialogue. The Commission builds and sustains relationships through a variety of high-level conversations, some officially supported by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops as “Dialogues” or “Consultations.” Meetings are held at regular intervals to advance mutual understanding and respect in the hope of contributing to the achievement of full and visible communion. The fruit of these Dialogues and Consultations is expressed in joint statements and initiatives, and can likewise be seen in the strengthening of friendships among religious leaders as well as believers at the local level.

Dialogues Supported by the CCCB

Statements and Resources

Related CCCB Documents/Initiatives

Canadian Council of Churches