A Church in Dialogue – Catholics and Muslims in Canada: Believers and Citizens in Society

Wednesday, July 08 2015

184-893The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), through its Episcopal Commission for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews, and Interfaith Dialogue, has published a new resource to coincide with the conclusion of the month of Ramadan (Id al-Fitr, July 18), entitled: A Church in Dialogue: Catholics and Muslims in Canada : Believers and Citizens in Society. In a letter introducing the document, the Most Reverend Paul-André Durocher, Archbishop of Gatineau and President of the CCCB, explains that “the pamphlet is meant to help Canadian Catholics better understand their Muslim neighbours.” This is the first time the CCCB has published a resource on relations between Catholics and Muslims in Canada.

The first part presents the origins of Islam, its main currents today, and its similarities with and differences from Christianity. The second part provides an overview of the history and present state of interreligious dialogue between Catholics and Muslims, both at the national and international levels, concluding with some suggestions on how everyone can contribute to such dialogues.

PDF Version

Printed copies are on sale from CCCB Publications