A Church Seeking Justice: The Challenge of Pope Francis to the Church in Canada

Thursday, September 03 2015

Cover A Church Seeking JusticeThe Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has published a new resource entitled A Church Seeking Justice: The Challenge of Pope Francis to the Church in Canada. Since his election as Bishop of Rome, the Holy Father “has brought an immediacy and specificity to Catholic social teaching that has made it a strong mark of his pontificate thus far,” states the Episcopal Commission in its text which was released today. Dealing broadly with the themes of Human Dignity and Labour, War and Peace, and the Economics of Exclusion and Isolation, this document outlines the freshness and urgency with which Pope Francis is calling us to act for justice and offers reflection questions tailored to our Canadian context.

PDF Version

Printed copies are on sale from CCCB Publications