Secretariat: Offices and Services

National Liturgy Office


The National Liturgy Office of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) assists the Episcopal Commission for Liturgy and the Sacraments of the English Sector in fulfilling its mandate by carrying out the following tasks:

– to produce ritual and liturgical books for use in Canada in accordance with the Guidelines for Liturgical Publications and the requirements of the Holy See;
– to study questions regarding the liturgy and liturgical adaptations which may be proposed to the Holy See (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 44);
– to work in collaboration with the French Sector Commission pour la liturgie et les sacrements and its corresponding Office national de liturgie on liturgical questions of national scope.
to review music and hymns for approved liturgical use by the Catholic Church in Canada.
– to facilitate education and training in liturgical matters on a national level.

In addition to its work for the Episcopal Commission, the Office assists the CCCB in the following ways:

– to maintain relations with the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), and other national and international liturgical bodies;
– to prepare the English version of the Ordo for each new liturgical year;
– to assist in the planning of liturgies for the Plenary Assembly.

Director and Commission Secretary

Christina Ronzio, M.A.

National Liturgy Office


2500 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa (ON) K1H 2J2

613-241-9461, ext. 108


Administrative Assistant / Graphic Designer

Angela Smith

National Liturgy Office


2500 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa (ON) K1H 2J2

613-241-9461, ext. 154
