National Commissions



The Church’s mission of proclaiming the Gospel in the contemporary world often raises pastoral questions and concerns which must be adequately addressed at the national level. For this reason, the Code of Canon Law has assigned certain areas to the common discernment and teaching of the Bishops, including safeguarding the integrity of faith and morals. Within the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), the Episcopal Commission for Doctrine is mandated to identify the theological needs of the Church in Canada; to assist the CCCB in addressing theological and moral questions through research and study; to act as a liaison with Catholic theologians and theological schools; and to prepare public statements, resources and pastoral letters on doctrinal and moral questions. All of the Commission’s activities are intended to teach, clarify and therefore maintain, in communion with the successor of Peter, the integrity of faith and moral doctrine in the face of rising challenges and contrary ideologies.


The Most Rev. Gary Anthony Franken, Chairman
The Most Rev. Lawrence Huculak, O.S.B.M.
The Most Rev. Francis Leo
The Most Rev. Raymond Poisson
The Most Rev. Serge Poitras


Senior Advisor and Commission Secretary

Patrick Fletcher, Ph.D.

Theology and Social Doctrine


2500 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa (ON) K1H 2J2

613-241-9461, ext. 220
